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July 26, 2024

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Dance Class: Making it Safe for Children

A dance class should be safe for students particularly young children. Parents should ensure that the place their children go to a class that provides adequate training and amenities for them. Some parents may consider the location, time and price of the class but the most important factor to look into is the safety of the kid. They should make sure that the child is getting the right training without overexertion. Safety to children does not only mean safety in the studios physical features. It also means proper training methods which is suitable for the age of the child. This will help prevent unwanted injuries while dancing. The parent must see to it that the child gets proper supervision and adequate training that do not strain his or her young body. The teacher has to consider that the childs age pose some developmental limitations when it comes to physical exertion. He is, for instance, not capable of lifting his partner. To be able to determine if the class is safe, the parents should be able to watch the class. The students must be able to follow the teachers direction. If most students are struggling with the instruction, the dance classes […] read more
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Dance Classes for Adults

People who have not started dancing at an early age may want to try dancing when they reach their 30s or even the golden years. The method of teaching an adult dance class may differ from other age groups. Adults do not have the same physical make-up with younger dancers. They are not as flexible as children. This is one consideration that teachers look into when teaching adults. It would be best for adults to enroll in dance classes whose teachers understand this unique requirement. Adults will have certain concerns and limitations that do not bother other age groups. For instance, they may find it awkward wearing revealing clothes, they are worried about getting injured or they might feel out of place in a group comprised mostly of young dance students. Dance instruction should not be for the different age groups. The reason for this is largely due to physiological differences. An adult beginner dancer enrolled in dance class filled with teenagers may find themselves pushing too hard to keep up with the young ones. These could pose risks to their health rather than help them. Adults must look for a studio where they can have a good warm-up before […] read more
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Should You Get Your Mastering Done by a Professional?

If you are reading this then hopefully the question of “Should I get my Sound Mastered” has been answered. If not, then this article will briefly discuss this issue. If you are asking this question to begin with, then your answer is more than likely “yes” . Mastering is just as important as your recording and mixing process. Here is a question? Your music is recorded, did you mix it yet? If yes, why? Is it because you wanted it to sound better? Well, what if I told you that the improvement you made from the recording to the mixing is the same type of improvement you will hear from the mixing to the mastering process. Yes, you heard it correct. Your sound will be so much harder and crisper you and your buddies will all be amazed. Now, you are convinced to get your music mastered, but the professional part has not been talked about. Well, let us discuss that issue right now. Let me paint a picture for you. You are 55 years old and worked on a great job all your life. You have 2 beautiful grown kids and 4 grandkids. You and your spouse are making […] read more
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Famous Quotations On Various Topics

Quotes in short can be described as a smarter way to describe ones opinion on certain topic and feelings. Though quotes is more like a poem but quotes is more fun to read as well as to understand. Many great individuals from different fields such as science, history, movie stars, musicians and politicians have shared famous quotes on their view on various aspects. Marilyn Monroe, Bob Marley, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Confucius, John Lennon, William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Jim Morrison, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela are some of the most famous authors. Thought they too quote on their related fields yet they also have quoted on various topics and topic related to general life such as love, relationship, fame and so on. Marilyn Monroe one of the most famous Hollywood actresses is also known for her smart quotes on various topics ranging from women freedom to her personal life. Some of her most famous quotes includes, If you can make a girl laugh – you can make her do anything, Hollywood is a place where theyll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul, Husbands are chiefly good lovers […] read more
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Love Is

Love is the union of two people, Who strive to attain many mutual goals. Love is accepting ones good and the bad, Of sharing the jolly times and also the bad. Love is taking one another just as they are, And making them feel like a bright shining star. Love is knowing what the other one needs, Showing you care with kind words and deeds. Love is supporting the other without gain, Of sharing the grace to forgive a wrong, To heel a slight and not carry it long. Love is the security and earned trust, The feeling of safe and that is a must. love is the gentle,warm, kind embrace, Of two hearts wanting to share common space… read more
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Free Online Poetry Competitions

A lot of people are always looking to enter poetry contests. Poetry competitions can be free to enter or charge you a fee to enter. Poets usually search for the free ones. Poem contests can be set up as a general competition which would allow writers to submit any form of poetry or set up as an inspirational, motivational, love, urban or Christian poem contest. In inspirational poem competition writers are usually told to enter a poem that is in some kind of way inspiring. Poetry about overcoming a difficult challenge, hope or self-esteem could be entered into an inspirational poetry competition. Writers who like writing inspiring poems are probably the most likely ones to enter. Motivation poetry contests usually require people to enter a poem that is motivational. A poem about achieving a goal, gaining something or on self-esteem can be entered into a motivation poetry contest. Motivation poetry is written a lot by people. Just hearing about a motivation poetry contest could motivate a person to write a motivation poem. When it comes to love poetry love poem contests requires poets to enter a poem in the area of love. A love poem can be about romance, family […] read more
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The Most Popular Christmas Songs of All Time

The most popular Christmas songs are much loved timeless classics which have become part of tradition. They have sold millions of copies worldwide with their messages of celebration, happiness and romance. Performed by many of musics most iconic stars their popularity transcends time and generations. Band Aid was the super group formed by Bob Geldof in 1984 to raise awareness and money for the famine in Ethiopia. Their Christmas number 1 “Do They Know Its Christmas” sold over 3.5 million records in the UK alone and involved artists such as George Michael, Boy George and Paul Young. It was an impromptu affair with the studio only giving Bob Geldof 24 hours to record most of the song. On the 25th of November many of the biggest recording artists in the UK visited SARM studios, Notting Hill to record their performances. The single later went on to cause controversy when Bob Geldof promised every penny made by sales would go to charity. The government responded by refusing to donate the VAT, Mr Geldof lambasted the act and made a public appeal which gathered support across the country. This led to the government backing down and donating the tax to the appeal. […] read more
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Classic Rock Performers Who Have Had A Lasting Influence On Music

Classic rock is a fundamental part of American history. Many of todays leading bands can trace their styles back to the influence of certain musicians. While every song made available to the world has had an impact on the music industry, there are certain performers who will eternally stand at the forefront of music. From folk rock to psychedelic rock, there have been many groundbreaking sounds and voices. Here are the top ten most influential classic rock bands in history. Elvis Presley While Elvis is not traditionally viewed in the classic rock genre, it is impossible to ignore his influence on the world of Rock-n-Roll. As the first to expose mainstream America to something other than traditional family music, he faced a tremendous amount of opposition from the mainstream. Despite the extreme racism exhibited during the 1950s, Elvis never hesitated to give appropriate credit to his inspirations. Mainly African-American performers influenced Elvis sound and style. Southern radio disc jockeys originally refused to play Elvis singles, because they sounded “too Negro” for white stations to air. It was not just Elvis sound, but also his performance, that drew controversy. The movement of his hips in a suggestive manner sparked an entire […] read more
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The oak was tall and strong, With green leaves and branches so long… He had grown in a beautiful garden, With few other oaks and a handsome warden… As time flowed and the future rolled… A cute little sapling entered the garden… The oak took care and nurtured the sapling, The bond grew strong under the oak’s wing, The sapling grew up and turned to be a creeper, Entwining a few trees into it deeper… As time flowed and the future rolled… The greenery was good and creeper was happy, And one fine day the oak was crappy, Untwine from the teak was the order, Teak is not oak and is one step shorter… Creeper had grown so thick in lush greenery, And teak was a part of its beautiful scenery, As time flowed and the future rolled… Teak tried to hold on to the creeper, For the entwining was so much deeper. Oak signaled the creeper about the warden, Creeper wondered, wasn’t Oak her warden… Oak loved warden, Oak loved the creeper, Creeper loved the Oak, Creeper loved the teak, In a attempt to entwine both oak and teak, The creeper lost its creeping streak…. It fell down limply […] read more
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Enjoy Poems – 3 Short Steps To Romantic Like

These 3 appreciate poems illustrate the progressive steps while in the progress of the days of christmas poem love relationship. The primary action is realization. Theres commonly a time period by which we move from not figuring out we are in love to gradually realizing and accepting that were. Dream I dreamed a dream I am aware not why I dreamed a dream of you. I dreamed a dream I now know why I dreamed a dream of you. It took just a little time for me to understand that she was interested in me. I am referring to a woman at college that is now my wife. Id stroll by her just after wind ensemble practice as we were putting our horns away, and she would smile at me…just smile. I returned the smile but didnt consider considerably of it. Immediately after some time it all of a sudden dawned on me. Was she interested in me? Appreciate appears to be to occur in a different way for everyone. For some it christian poems in the beginning sight. I can honestly say I tend not to know personally of anyone which has met their husband or spouse this way, […] read more
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