1. Morning Routine

a. Arrival and Briefing:
Staff and volunteers arrive early in the morning, typically around 7-8 AM. A quick meeting or briefing session is conducted to discuss the day’s agenda, including any special cases or new arrivals. For more information please visit Hundezwinger

b. Feeding Time:
The first task of the day is feeding the dogs. Each dog has a specific diet plan based on its age, health, and dietary needs. Meals are prepared and distributed, ensuring that every dog receives the right amount and type of food.

c. Health Checks:
Routine health checks are performed to monitor the dogs’ well-being. This includes checking for any signs of illness or injury, administering medications, and ensuring vaccinations are up-to-date.

2. Cleaning and Maintenance

a. Kennel Cleaning:
The kennels and living areas are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized every day. This involves removing waste, washing bedding, and disinfecting surfaces to prevent the spread of disease.

b. Facility Maintenance:
General maintenance tasks, such as repairing fences, fixing plumbing, and maintaining equipment, are carried out to ensure the facility remains safe and functional.

3. Dog Enrichment and Socialization

a. Exercise and Playtime:
Dogs are given time outside their kennels to exercise and play. This helps to reduce stress and improve their physical health. Staff and volunteers engage the dogs in various activities, including walks, fetch, and agility exercises.

b. Socialization:
Dogs are socialized with humans and other dogs to help them adapt to different environments and prepare for adoption. This includes training sessions, grooming, and one-on-one interactions.

4. Adoption and Community Outreach

a. Adoption Process:
Potential adopters are guided through the adoption process. This involves meeting the dogs, discussing the adoption requirements, and completing necessary paperwork. Staff assess the suitability of the adopter to ensure a good match.

b. Community Outreach Programs:
The pound organizes community outreach programs to promote responsible pet ownership and raise awareness about adoption. This includes school visits, public events, and collaboration with local organizations.

5. Afternoon and Evening Tasks

a. Second Feeding:
A second feeding is typically done in the afternoon or early evening, depending on the dogs’ needs.

b. Continued Care and Monitoring:
Staff continue to monitor the dogs’ health and behavior throughout the day. Any issues are promptly addressed, and additional care is provided as needed.

c. Evening Cleaning:
Kennels and common areas are cleaned again in the evening to maintain hygiene standards overnight.

6. Special Cases and Emergency Care

a. New Arrivals:
New dogs are often brought in throughout the day. Each new arrival undergoes a thorough examination, vaccination, and deworming. They are then placed in quarantine if necessary to prevent the spread of diseases.

b. Emergency Care:
The pound is equipped to handle emergency situations, such as injured or sick animals requiring immediate medical attention. Partnerships with local veterinarians and animal hospitals are crucial for providing urgent care.

7. Record Keeping and Administration

a. Documentation:
Detailed records of each dog are maintained, including medical history, behavior notes, and adoption status. This information is vital for providing proper care and facilitating the adoption process.

b. Administrative Tasks:
Administrative duties such as managing finances, coordinating with volunteers, and updating the pound’s website and social media platforms are essential for smooth operations.


Running a dog pound involves a multitude of tasks that require dedication, compassion, and teamwork. From the routine care of the dogs to community outreach and emergency response, every aspect is crucial for the well-being of the animals and the success of the adoption process. Staff and volunteers work tirelessly to provide a safe and nurturing environment, aiming to give each dog the best chance at finding a loving forever home.